Aleksandra Komatina – Montenegro

What is your motivation to apply for this position to become a Board member for the chapter Montenegro?
I strive for professional and personal development. Throughout my life, I have set clear goals, I am focused and I am working hard on their realization. On this important investment path in my career, joining Regional Board members as a candidate from Montenegro, would give a whole new perspective and help me reach some of my goals. My main goal would be to contribute and influence a positive change in the education system in Montenegro, as this is a system that really needs such a change, to encourage young people to be louder, more active and more involved in the decision-making process. All these challenges require intensive and dynamic work, which to me as a young passionate professional, really fits and the position of a Board member would give a chance to influence it and gain adequate experience.
What are your plans for being a Board member? (What is your action plan for the period you are selected?)
If I were elected as a board member, in addition to the anticipated expectations for me as a board member, part of the action plan would be as follows: To motivate more people who are from Montenegro and have spent at least one or more semesters of study abroad to join the WBAA and contribute. To plan and work on projects related to the improvement of the education system, specifically in Montenegro, my plan would be to influence digitalization at the University of Montenegro, the creation of a digital library and the possibility of access to scientific papers (base) so that our students have opportunities as EU countries. During the mandate, I would like to see concrete results, and to give my own contribution to achieving them, to motivate youth through various projects, workshops and sharing experiences, that young and ambitious people can really succeed in the Balkans, that quality, hard work and effort always pay off, and to influence the prevention of brain drain.
What skills and qualities can you bring to this position?
To this position I could bring a perspective of a new and agile way of working. I love challenges and I love to take risks. I am very passionate in everything I do and I love dynamic environments and multitasking. While studying, I had the opportunity to volunteer in different student organizations, which I do even now, through student's and other organizations. I find volunteering to be truly wonderful and an inexhaustible source of new knowledge, friendships and skills. I learn very fast and I am ready to prove myself in action. So far, during my working experience I found that I work really well in motivating people and resolving conflicts, as well as in facilitating and leading team meetings, so I started working as a Scrum Master in my current job. Besides all of the above, I am pursuing my career as a finance professional, so I could bring finance knowledge, budgeting experience, financial analysis, predictions and projections.
Describe yourself in 3 words!
Passionate, adventurous, ambitious