Assisting young people on the road to their first job

Project RADAR provides mentorship and training to help young people find their first employment.
Without contacts in the job market, it is difficult to get a first job and to kickstart one’s career. Employees are often looking for experienced candidates, impeding the young job seeker’s chances of finding employment. Moreover, as per a study conducted in 2018 by the Organisation of Montenegrins Studying Abroad (OMSA), at least more than half of the population of Montenegrins studying abroad considers to return to their home country. Three of four survey participants state that the most difficult obstacle to overcome is their integration into the job market in Montenegro.
To tackle this problem and with the help of OMSA, we organised workshops and matched around 30 young mentees with mentors in their area of interest. While the project was scoped to last 6 months, the contacts created as part of the mentorship interactions have the potential to be lifelong. In that regard, the project gave a small contribution to Cluster #5 - Other outreach projects providing knowledge exchange and networking opportunities.
Text by Jovan Jovancevic, Project Coordinator,
Edited by Service Provider