Building the #universities of #tomorrow – Bridging the Higher Education programs from indoor to outdoor - successful WBAA project!

The main activity of the project “Building the #universities of #tomorrow – Bridging the Higher Education programs from indoor to outdoor” has ended successfully! 49 professors, students and WBAA members explored the outdoor environment as a central part of this new experience.
Through practical exercises, creative brain breaks and theoretical lectures which were presented, they got acquainted with the key elements and growing trends related to outdoor learning and teaching outside the classroom. We hope that this project will be a step forward in the process of moving Higher Education programs from indoor to outdoors.
The main activity of the project “Building the #universities of #tomorrow – Bridging the Higher Education programs from indoor to outdoor” has ended successfully! 49 professors, students and WBAA members from the Goce Delcev University in Shtip, University of Tetovo, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the International Balkan University explored the outdoor environment as a central part of this new experience. The project happened at the green outdoor space at the Goce Delcev University in Shtip.
Through practical exercises, creative brain breaks and theoretical lectures which were presented, they got acquainted with the key elements and growing trends related to outdoor learning and teaching outside the classroom. The project fostered excellence and innovation in education by equipping professors and educational staff with the basic knowledge and skills to integrate outdoor educational activities in their education programs. On the other hand, the trainers presented the major challenges to outdoor learning, such as staff confidence in teaching outside and uncertainty about how to deliver the curriculum through outdoor learning, which can be overcome by enabling professors and Universities to work with and learn from each other. Additionally, this project will result in a guideline “10 steps on how to prepare your outdoor learning experience” prepared by the project participants.
This project is designed to help Universities and other educational institutions to embrace outdoor learning. During the pandemic, Universities have reached out looking for ideas on how to get started. This project advocates believe the move could help heal trauma from months of isolation and learning from a screen. It would also help Universities navigate social distancing requirements while reducing the chance of virus spread.
We hope that this project will be a step forward in the process of moving Higher Education programs from indoor to outdoors.
14.10.2021, Pane Stefanov
edited by WBAA Team