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Erasmus for all, all for Erasmus, an ESAA project on the Erasmus+ promotion in Bologna and Yerevan
Erasmus for all, all for Erasmus is a project funded by ESAA and organised by garagErasmus4Bologna implemented in Bologna and Yerevan to promote Erasmus+ opportunities among young people and youth workers in the period of October and December 2019.
The project organised a 1-day InfoDay in Bologna (October) and in Yerevan (December) to inform young people on the different actions they can use to join the Erasmus+ Program and to live an intercultural experience, while workshops were run for youth workers and young people interested in becoming promoters of the program in these key cities. The activities involved the active collaboration of institutions and organisations such as garagErasmus4Yerevan, the InformaGiovani of Bologna, Scambieuropei, and the French University in Yerevan.
The activities promoted skills development, interculturalism and a sense of active citizenship. E-All-E increased awareness on the participation of young people and youth workers in the Program and in ESAA communities, which was presented in all the events. Not only did the project inform young people on the offered opportunities, but it also involved them with different methodologies (non-formal activities, discussions and reflections, brainstorming, etc) to prepare them to be active in their decision process.
Participants were provided with a Mobility Guide 2020 (see below)to explain all the activities funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and other European opportunities. The Guide has been prepared by gE4Bologna in Italian and English and updated with the latest news on the European opportunities for young people to take part in mobility actions.
Bologna, 11.02.2020 Rosalia Marchese |