03/05/2019 | News

European Elections 2019


In less than 25 days, European citizens will be asked to cast their vote and decide what’s next for Europe. The European elections, held between 23 and 26 May, will shape the European Union for the years to come. The European Commission is doing its best to reach out to as many people as possible in order for them to be able to make an informed decision. It’s showing how the European Union empowers its people to lead better lives, protects those in need and delivers on its promises by creating jobs and revitalising communities. But in order to reach every single European we need all those with Europe at heart to join us. ESAA and its member organisations are uniquely placed to help us show how a stronger Europe is in everyone’s best interest. Please spread the word and mobilise others to do the same.

Here are some links to fresh material that you can use to convince as many people as possible to join us on this adventure. The material is mostly available in all EU languages:

The central elections page of the European Parliament: https://www.european-elections.eu/

The link to the “This time I’m voting” platform of the European Parliament with various engagement opportunities, events near you, etc.

The #EUandME campaign, targeting young people: https://www.europa.eu/euandme

2,000 factsheets about what the EU does for you

We have compiled this and other interesting information in our European elections communication toolkit under http://ec.europa.eu/info/elections-toolkit.

Europe is counting on you!