26/06/2023 | News

Invitation to the WBAA Extraordinary General Assembly on July, 2 at 5pm

July2 GA

Dear WBAA members,

we want to invite you all to the Extraordinary General Assembly online on Sunday, July, 2 at 5pm in order to vote on the following topics that were discussed at the last GA event in Belgrade:

  1. the membership criteria 
  2. the formalisation of WBAA
  3. the 3rd mandate for Board members
  4. the restructuring of WBAA Teams 

Please find here the explanation texts to all voting topics that we ask you to read in advance as a preparation for the voting.

1)WBAA membership criteria:



2) the formalisation of WBAA


3) 3rd mandate of Board member


4) the restructuring of WBAA teams 

Please use this Google Meet link to join the Extraordinary General Assembly on July, 2 at 5pm which will last approximately 1,5h:


AGENDA on JULY 2 5pm
5:00pm WELCOME from the WBAA board
5:15pm presentation of the four voting topics 
5:30pm election opens
6:30pm Closing of the election and publication of the results 

Q&A SESSION on JUNE 26 7pm 

In preparation as well as a chance to discuss your questions of the voting topics the board will be holding a Q&A session for the WBAA community online on June, 26 from 7pm - 8pm.
Please use this link for the Q&A: https://meet.google.com/ort-npbz-yof

We very much look forward to meeting you at this event and hope you will cast your vote on all four topics to continue the work in the WBAA community!

Best wishes,
Your WBAA team 

Caroline Simmler on behalf of the Service Provider

25 June 2023, Cologne, Germany