Mentorship by WBAA activists and Problem solving and decision making training

The event took place in Pančevo, Serbia between 26th and 29th May, and gathered more than 30 WBAA members and prospective Erasmus+ students from all over the WB region. The event was organized by Project Coordinator Vesna Travica and Co-organizer Milan Stojanović in partnership with ESN Serbia and the Tempus Foundation.
On behalf of the Western Balkans Alumni Association, in collaboration with Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Serbia and the the Foundation Tempus, we organized the project “Mentorship by WBAA activists & Problem-solving training” in May 2022 in Pančevo, Serbia.
Which problems have we tried to solve with this project?
Young people in the Western Balkans are mostly passive and depressed and do not see opportunities for their future. Due to the covid pandemic situation and, now, additionally, due to war in Ukraine, they are not willing to apply for Erasmus+ mobility programs. They also do not have access to accurate information about these programs. Another problem we have tried to solve with this project is inactivity of WBAA members.
By organizing training in developing soft skills in problem solving and decision making led by trainer Ivana Peričin and by gathering live 21 WBAA members from 6WB countries after long period of online meetings, we motivated WBAA members to be more (pro)active, determined and optimistic.
Representatives of ESN Serbia Oleg Slatina and of the Foundation Tempus Goran Bogunović presented correct and accurate information on programs within Erasmus+ framework 2021-2027, as well as programs of 2022: Year of the Youth. 15 Prospective Erasmus+ students had opportunity to gain a clear and complete picture of possibilities for studying and internship abroad.
WBAA Regional Board member and Co-organizer of this project Milan Stojanović presented WBAA, its mission and goals, and invited all participants to use WBAA Community Portal and join WBAA Teams.
Mentorship activites by WBAA members and the exchange of Alumni's mobility experiences with prospective Erasmus students encouraged them to apply for some of the exchange programs that could be precious for their future professional and personal lives.
WBAA members enjoyed in the role of mentoring new students.
By organizing psychological workshops, icebrakers, games, social activities and tours to Pančevo and Belgrade, a strong network of WBAA mentors and prospective Erasmus+ students has been created.
The atmosphere was great and the positive energy of this event and young, ambitiuous, nice, intelligent and creative people give me hope that they could be creators of a better future.
For a little insight of the meeting please have a look at our official video! Watch here.
"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to curcumstances"
Bruce Barton
Project Coordinator Vesna Travica