MOstarT Science 2021. - Proper writing of scientific articles and statistical processing of results.

Young people in the professional career development phase together with professors, participated in the Project about proper writing of scientific articles and statistical processing of results, that was held on 17.-18. of September in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Erasmus exchange programme at Claude Bernard University in Lyon brought together the organizers of this Project, Marina Marić, Anđela Miškić and Anita Lalić, who joined the WBAA organization and came up with the idea of organizing this Project.
One of the main things by which universities in the world are ranked is the number of published scientific papers. Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina try to follow other European universities in this matter, but they face the problem of financing the publication of their scientific articles. Thus, there are
not so many scientific papers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and consequently there is a lack of knowledge in the field of proper writing of scientific articles and statistical processing of results. Also, the lack of cooperation between universities in the country and the region in the field of scientific research was the reason for organizing this project. Project participants (35 of them) were professors, assistants and students from natural and technical faculties, and others who have an interest in writing and publishing of scientific papers.
Participants from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Agromediterranean and food faculty of the University of Mostar, the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Sarajevo had the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences in the fields of their scientific research. Also, young unemployed people from
the field of natural science, who are looking for a job, had the opportunity to make new contacts and expand their knowledge. In addition to the universities, the participants were also employees of the laboratory Herkon d.o.o. Mostar, and the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way, we wanted to bring science closer to everyone and connect industry with universities. Project participants had the opportunity to learn how to properly write a scientific paper and statistically process the results of their research. It this way, we encouraged participants to write and publish their scientific articles.
Contacts between participants have been established, and this was a great promotion of the WBAA organisation. We have interested participants in joining our organization, we promoted Erasmus as well and we have encouraged others to apply to Erasmus.
Project was held in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 17th and 18th of September 2021.
In this way, we can proudly say that Mostar had started the Science!
14.10.2021, Marina Marić
edited by WBAA team