21/12/2018 | Open Calls

New member registration

WBAA logo with bigger canvas

Dear WBAA network,

2019 is coming fast! 2018 was a year of many new developments and we are looking forward into the new year!

We want to encourage you in becoming a WBAA member!


WBAA gives you the opportunity to become part of strong alumni union in order to advocate for modernization and improvement of the higher education’s quality in the Western Balkans Region. As a member you can take part in the numerous programmes/projects, workshops, panel discussions and other activities focused on raising awareness of the Western Balkans students’ needs.

CrIteria for involvement

Are you from the Western Balkans and have you spent part of your university studies abroad?

Are you thinking of taking the leap and studying in another country?

Are you ready to make your international experience count back home?

Then join WBAA and:

  • become a member of the only regional alumni association in the Western Balkans
  • apply for funding and realize projects in the Western Balkans region
  • share your ideas and experience with like-minded young people
  • be part of a vibrant network of young students and professionals

If you are interested in becoming an active volunteer in WBAA, you can take part in one of our Regional WBAA-teams and/or National Chapters by filling in the membership application available at the following link.