Open call for participants: General Assembly 19 March 2023

We are pleased to inform you that preparations for the next General Assembly (GA) have begun. The GA will take place on Sunday, 19 March 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia and 80 WBAA members can participate in the event.
Every WBAA member which is registered on the Online Community is invited to send an application for participating in the General Assembly. All WBAA members have received a message with the application link, which can be also found in the Online Community. If you want to participate, please apply by Tuesday, 22 November 12:00 CET via the application form.
The participants from each National Chapter will be selected by the respective National Representatives, with respect to the balance between new and active members. The new applicants will be selected based on the motivation of the applicant, and the active members by the previous contribution to the functioning of WBAA. In the selection process, the National Representatives will consult with the heads of WBAA Teams.
Please note that on the day before the GA, Saturday 18 March, there will be a WBAA Teams meeting, in which a total of 40 team members can participate. If you are a member of one of the four WBAA Teams (Research, Transition, Higher Education and Quality Mobility) and if you state so in the application form, you will automatically be selected for the Teams meeting on 18 March if you are selected for the General Assembly on 19 March.
Please note the following with regard to logistics:
- The costs of travel, hotel accommodation and meals during the event will be covered.
- Accommodation will be provided for 3 nights for Board members and Team members (17-20 March) and for 2 nights for the participants who will only attend the General Assembly (18-20 March).
- Accommodation will be done in twin rooms (2 people per room). Some of the participants might have to share a double bed since hotels will probably have a limited number of rooms with two separate single beds.
- If possible, we recommend that you travel by bus/private car (carpooling is encouraged). Travel costs by private car will be reimbursed upon filling in the reimbursement form and providing the trip itinerary (0.22 EUR/km).
- If travel is by air, the Service Provider (SP) will make the booking in consultation with the participants.
Please only apply if you are sure, you will have time on the dates and will attend the event. As places and budgets are limited, cancellations should be avoided to give as many members as possible the opportunity to participate and not to waste funds.
Please note that there will be a selection process and that you will not automatically participate in the meeting by applying. All applicants will receive feedback on 30 November as to whether they have been selected or not and selected participants will then have one week to register for the event, confirming their participation.
This is the opportunity to learn more about WBAA and the people behind it. You are part of this great network in the Western Balkans region and at the General Assembly you can get involved and meet your fellow WBAAnians. We are looking forward to a great event with you!
Best regards,
your WBAA Team
Laura Jarmatz on behalf of the Service Provider
Germany, Cologne, 15 November 2022