Results of the elections for the new Board members of the Bosnia & Herzegovinian, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia chapter

The election of the new National Representatives of the Bosnia & Herzegovinian, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia chapter ended last week and beginning of this week and we would like to thank everyone who participated and voted.
Here you find the voting results of the new or re elected board members of the five chapters:

Bosnia & Herzegovina chapter:
Semir Sikira won the election with 11 votes and is the new National Representative.
A total of 16 votes were casted (253 eligible voters, election turnout: 6%).

Kosovo* chapter:
Njomza Sallauka was re elected with 40 votes and is starting her second mandate as board member for the Kosovo* chapter.
A total of 45 voters participated in this election (158 eligible voters, election turnout: 28%).

Montenegro chapter:
Nikolina Adžić received 18 votes and is the new National Representative for Montenegro chapter.
Andrija Tomic was re elected with 15 votes and is starting his second mandate as board member for this chapter.
A total of 24 voters participated in this election and they had two votes (93 eligible voters, election turnout: 24%).

North Macedonian chapter:
Daniel Josifovski won the election with 15 votes and is the new National Representative of this chapter.
A total of 17 votes were casted (108 eligible voters, election turnout: 15%).

Serbia chapter:
Milan Stojanovic was re elected with 29 votes and is starting his second mandate as board member for this chapter.
Milan Babić received 8 votes and is the new National Representative for Serbia chapter.
A total of 34 voters participated in this election and they had two votes (192 eligible voters, election turnout: 17%).
We would like to thank all other candidates as well who have stood for election.
Thank you for your engagement and efforts on being more involved in the WBAA community.
The handover process will now begin.
We would like to thank once again the outgoing Regional Board members Mila Lukić (Serbia chapter), Adnan Rahimić (Bosnia & Herzegovina chapter), Aleksandar Vučinić (Montenegro chapter) and Kristina Nikolova (North Macedonia chapter) for their dedication, effort and commitment they invested for the WBAA network!
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Caroline Simmler on behalf of the Service Provider
Cologne, Germany, 27th of September 2023