Soft and hard skills for jobs of the future

Project Coordinator Vesna Travica and Co-organiser Radmila Zečević organised 15 online webinars in the period October 2021 - February 2022.
According to the latest research of relevant economic portals, soft skills will be in high demand for many occupations because these skills enable young people to adapt quickly and easily to fast changes in the world of work. The main objective of this project is to give opportunity to WBAA members and alumni from six WB countries to acquire some of these soft skills:
- emotional intelligence
- self-confidence
- stress management
- interpersonal and communication skills
- presentation skills
- constructive conflict resolution and assertive communication
- efficient learning
- critical thinking
- creative skills
- etc.
These soft skills are already important, but will be more and more important at work in the future. The general objective is to increase youth employment in Serbia and WB region.
Trainings in hard skills, project management, digital marketing and public relations in organisations (PR) will enable our members to write project proposals of high quality in the future and provide their good internet promotions and good relationships with organisational environment. These hard skills are already, and will be in demand in the labour market. Two trainings in how to find an online job ad in article and copywriting will prepare alumni to adapt themselves to digital area.
More than 300 participants took part in these webinars, mostly from six Western Balkan countries and beyond. With this project, through activities: interactive lectures, discussions, workshops and practical exercises, we hope that participants have developed these skills which will help them to find an adequate job and to write at least five innovative projects of high quality in the next WBAA projects proposals calls.
Project implementation and outcome
Organisations that were part of the project:
- Faculty of Philosophy
- University of Belgrade
- Faculty of Education in Sombor, University of Novi Sad.
Number of participants who took part in the event/webinar and people who were reached by the project on social media:
More than 300 participants took part in these 15 webinars and more than 500 people were reached by social media via FB Erasmus and Higher Education FB groups: Erasmus Plus Serbia, Erasmus Banja Luka group, Erasmus + Mladi u Akciji, Crna Gora, Erasmus Slovenia, Erasmus Zagreb2014/2015 Official group, Erasmus + Western Balkans Group, Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni, two Erasmus + projects groups, three Erasmus + groups, Erasmus + EU Projects Network, Erasmus Plus Project Expert, Erasmus + Network, WBAA reserach team, WBAA-Projects Team, WBAA active members, University of Novi Sad, Studenti Beogradskog Univerziteta - new, Studenti beogradskih univerziteta SBU, Studenti Niškog univerziteta, Studenti psihologije svih fakulteta, etc.
How were the specific objectives of the project fulfilled?
Through activities organised online: interactive lecture, discussions, workshops and practical excercices, participants developed soft and hard skills for jobs of the future. Promotion of WBAA and this project is done via social media posts in many FB Erasmus and Higher Education groups, via e- mail lists and during webinars.
How the project helped support the cluster/s that have been applied for?
Cluster 2 - Training in developing soft and hard skills for jobs of the future which will enable participants to quickly and easily adapt to fast changes in the world of work.
Cluster 5 - We provided knowledge exchange from psychology, psychotherapy, art and creative skills, project management, digital marketing and knowledge from area of online business through webinars, by sharing training materials and recommended literature.
Cluster 1 - We promoted WBAA, its mission and main goals via social media, mostly via FB Erasmus and Higher Education groups, mails and during webinars.
Vesna Travica, Project coordinator