WBAA Bridge - The Book

WBAA<>BRIDGE project builds bridges of disciplines, countries, solutions via book!
Our WBAA projects connect disciplines, worlds, collaborators, ideas, solutions! And they result with novel outputs for science and practice! So far we have produced journal and conference papers, but this is our first book as a product of the WBAA research team projects!
The book crowns a project on developing participatory methodology for addressing trans-regional issues bridging science and practice: Use case of Intelligent Transport Systems from managerial and technical perspective, which was designed and conveyed by our founding members of the research team Prof. Dr. Daniela Koltovska Nechoska and Prof. Dr. Renata Petrevska Nechkoska from North Macedonia, in collaboration with WBAA-nians from the region, through several panel discussions: Emina Hadzimuhamedovic Project Assistant at UNDP, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Assist. Prof. Dr. Anita Jurich (Lalich) – University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prof. Dr. Tihomir Latinovich, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Professor Assistant Arlinda Alimehaj – University of Pristina, Kosovo, Mergim Hajrizi – Panelist, MA Global Political Economy, City University of London, Kosovo and Prof. Dr. Klejda Harasani, University of Tirana, Republic of Albania.
The comprehensive approach aiming to address community problems by facilitating co-creation of diverse stakeholders (via the MultiCreation method), resulted in developing a methodology for addressing trans-regional issues with innovative managerial and technical aspects in the domain of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), which, along with theoretical foundations from traffic engineering and management, have been contemplated in a book! We can say first of its kind - regional for Western Balkans, European and global - by its incorporated aspects and learnings, multidisciplinary!
By the authors Daniela Koltovska Nechoska, Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, Mimoza Bogdanoska Jovanovska published by the University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, North Macedonia. We thank our reviewers, Prof. Dr. Nikola Krstanoski, Prof. Dr. Marjan Angeleski, and Prof. Dr. Tihomir Latinović for their substantial inputs!
HERE is the open access PDF, feel free to use it, reference it and contact us if you need more insights!
It was created by networking, knowledge, experience and expertise. The authors attempt to provide the peers, the students and the experts with on one hand, the basis of understanding the big picture of the Western Balkans, the ITS and the complex approach to it, and on the other hand, a useful guide in planning the introduction of such complex ITS from the managerial and technical aspects. The project was realised with the support of Western Balkan Alumni Association WBAA and the European Commission, and the panel discussions from the project are incorporated in Chapter IV, where the above mentioned WBAA members had discussions together with our external panelists Petar Dimitrov – Ministry of Transport of Republic of North Macedonia, Project WBAA BRIDGE panelist; Assist. Prof. Dr. Evelin Krmac – the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Project WBAA BRIDGE Guest lecturer; Prof. Dr. Marjan Angeleski, St. Kliment Ohridski University – Bitola, Faculty of Economics – Prilep, Project WBAA BRIDGE Panelist; Prof. Dr. Valentina Mirovic – Faculty of Technical Sciences – University of Novi Sad, Project WBAA BRIDGE Guest Lecturer, Dzemile Sejdini, MSc student and MSc Renata Duma with their contributions.
Check the other chapters for complete impression!
This is how Western Balkans collaborates perfectly and voluntarily!
Daniela Koltovska Nechoska and Renata Petrevska Nechkoska
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23.01.23 Cologne, Germany