Digital Resources and IT Tools as a New Strategical Factor for Modernization and internationalization in Higher Education in Western Balkans
Project Coordinator: Aleksandar Davkov
Regarding conducted analyses from National Agency in Republic of N. Macedonia and conducted survey from Executive Agency in Brussels most of HEIs in western Balkans are not very much familiar with networking of alumni students and European strategy in the field of Higher Education 2021-2027 and with basic and specific priorities such as modernization, internationalization, inclusion, green agenda and most important digitalization in the field of Higher Education.
One of several challenges is in line with discussing among students regarding challenges of Erasmus+ program, networking of alumni students and performing this training with physical presence from participants but at the same time main sessions from the training are going to be online through YouTube channel, zoom platform and trough social media (hybrid event/training). This is important for a reason that Erasmus coordinators from WB, Students, Staff that are not going to be able to attend the training with physical presence can participate online at sessions.
At the same time with this training we are going to link European priorities in the field of Higher Education and the regional approach of WB countries regarding improvements in the field of Higher Education and improving collaboration between alumni students and Universities in WB. Additionally this tipis is related with the priority of this year because the youngsters are going to have benefit from the results form this project.
Through networking of alumni students’ promotion of Erasmus+ program will be much more visible for students from each cycle of studies (bachelor, master and PhD) also Erasmus+ program will be promoted in each country in WB.
In partnership with the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility we will strengthen the knowledge of Higher Education Institutions regarding modernization, internationalization and most important digitalization in western Balkans in Higher Education.

Time period: 2021
Project Manager : Aleksandar Davkov