OPEN B&H – Opportunities Presence through Erasmus+ Networking in B&H

With the project OPEN we hope to “tackle” the topic of EU’s “deepening” and “widening” possibilities in this region (of Bosnia & Herzegovina) through educational programmes like Erasmus+ and to stress the importance of openness and regional cooperation through international collaboration and projects providing sustainability for future generations. It is inevitable to look upon the recent pandemic COVID-19 situation and find opportunities in the „new normal“ life. The online event will be organised in order to raise awareness of the importance to increase applications to open calls within Erasmus+ and other EU funded programmes and contribute to capacity building in different topics such as education, migration, religion, freedoms, covid19, etc.

Also, the lack of an active citizenry is often taken as one of the reasons for B&H’s stagnation in the reform and EU integration process, thus the objective of this project in the context of public university is not only to educate but also to support students in deepening their knowledge on EU related issues. In order to deepen and diversify selected EU related courses, this project will rely on the expertise of academic staff from the University of Sarajevo, experts from governmental institutions and international organisations. This project will also provide an international platform for scientific discussion on the contemporary EU related issues and to provide conclusions and recommendations that will be further distributed to the public and to relevant decision makers.

Project manager: Hatidza Jahic

Time period: 2020

Project Manager : Hatidza Jahic