Self-branding training – personal development, teamwork, leadership, and professional capacity building skills
Project Coordinator: Aleksandar Davkov
Branding yourself allows you to market your skills to meet the customer’s needs. Regardless of the stage at which you are in your career, it is important to stay marketable by creating a unique brand for yourself, separate from your identity within your company. As your personal brand awareness increases, you may be invited to speak at industry events, contribute to industry-related stories, and so on not because of your status within a company, but because of your branded expertise within the wider industry in your country or abroad.
This project aims to use special tools by trainers for creating soft skills which will turn the young person into a brand that will creatively use the gained skills and contacts for branding itself.
As a result of this project that will be implemented in Shtip North Macedonia, between 01/2022 and 06/2022, improvement in 34 students’ self performances for those who were or who will study abroad will be achieved. They can direct their energy to gain new contacts and building their own network, as well as reviving good practices and skills, and to use them in right place and at right time, thus making themselves unique brand recognizable by employers. The success will be measured by a questionnaire.

Time period: 2021
Project Manager : Aleksandar Davkov