Project coordinator: Sonja Sovljanski
The main objective is strengthening the capacity of youth for future entrepreneurs or to raise the level of youth employability. The goal is conducted through trainings in entrepreneurship skills and in transferable skills that are necessary in the world of work. Workshops will be done in 4 modules: 1. Running Projects, 2. Leadership skills, 3. Communication and Sales and 4. Interview and CV. There would be 12 workshops overall and about 10 participants per each training/workshop. A manual will be developed about Youth (Self) Employment and Self-empowerment, in which there will be all the information from the trainings, so participants can get all the information later in their career, if needed. Participants will learn skills that are highly sought after in the job market but that they did not get from their faculty. From the first phase of an interview for a job/project/subsidies to the skills needed for most positions: leadership skills, motivation for achievement, inner critic, time management, negotiation, presentation and communication skills and project writing. The training will consist of 3 workshops, organized in 3 days of training with 3 hours per day and the focus of the module is on project cycles, PCM (project cycle management), phases of the project cycle, project financial management, HR management and practical examples of good practices, etc. As part of this project activity at least 10 project proposals, with which young people can be entitled to a subsidy, would be written. Project writing and running can help entrepreneurs to get funds, but it is also a desirable careers skill for many job positions. Other workshops are about Leadership, communication and sales, as well as interviews and CVs. The aim of this project it to encourage young people to take a proactive stance through non-formal education and experiential learning. This project allows affirmation and improving business of young entrepreneurs and to reduce poverty. The project is aligned with the strategic documents in the youth sector: The Youth Law, The National Youth Strategy for the period 2015-2025.

Time period: 2021
Project Manager : Sonja Sovljanski