United Youth for Green Western Balkan
Project Coordinator: Milan Babić
Necessity of young people education in the field of project planning and proposal writing raising from day-to-day due opening of many opportunities. WBAA members and University of Novi Sad’s students, aged 19–29, will have chance to get that knowledge from our lecturers (representatives of the Ministry for Environmental Protection, University professor, WBAA, and NGO) will participate in panel discussions on environmental protection; workshops, National Park Fruska Gora visit, and competition. The expected results are encouraged and prepared individuals ready to take initiatives when it comes to project proposal writing in fields of environmental protection, sustainability, and ecology. Additionally, the purpose is also to utilize the knowledge obtained during this project for scopes beyond application processes; mainly for facilitating future project realizations.
We merge three deferent topics into one project idea of four-day conference:
- Promotion of Erasmus+ programs, WBAA and Higher Education;
- Environmental Protection; and
- Project planning & proposal writing
Year 2022 is announced as the European year of youth, and this project follows several Youth Goals: Connecting EU with Youth; Equality of All Genders; Information & Constructive Dialogue; Mental Health & Wellbeing ect. Long term sustainability is guaranteed because there will be interested participants who will apply on future public calls on this subject. Furthermore, with project promotion during and after realization, we will inform all interested parties about WBAA, Erasmus+, writing projects etc. Main topic covers WBAA’s aims and mission:
- Strong Union establishing of WBAA members;
- Promoting mobility and Higher Education in Europe;
- Knowledge exchange, experiences, contacts among WBAA and local students;
- Strengthen the links between Higher Education (HE) & the labor market to ease school-to-work transition and increase employability.

Time period: 2021
Project Manager : Milan Babić