29/09/2021 | News

Results of the call for applications for Regional Board & Extension for Montenegro and North Macedonia (applications)

UPDATE Call for WBAA Regional Board members

We are glad to inform you that we received 7 applications for the new Regional Board members for Bosnia & Herzegovina (2), Kosovo* (2), Montenegro (1), and Serbia (2). The promotion of the candidates will start in October, stay tuned!

Furthermore, we are still looking for two candidacies: one for Montenegro and one for North Macedonia. For this reason, the application process for these two countries will be extended until 06 October 2021.

If you are a WBAA member from Montenegro or North Macedonia and have been registered in the WBAA online community for at least 6 months, this is your opportunity to take up an important position within WBAA. To run for the position, candidates must submit their application by 06 October, via the following online form:


If you want to know more about the work of the Regional Board, you can read the news item we prepared for the call for applicants:

Call for applications for Regional Board members for Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia

A big thanks to all applicants who presented their candidacy!

We look forward to receiving the applications for Montenegro and North Macedonia.

If you have any questions, please contact service@western-balkans-alumni.eu.

Germany, Cologne

29 September 2021