Economic empowerment for women in green startups in the rural area of Albania
Project coordinator: Vjoela Allkanjari
The objective of the project is to increase the entrepreneurial skillset among owners of new or existing little businesses, who want to expand their business, to increase their potential competitiveness in the local market. Goals of the project are to teach 30 young women who are interested in creating a start-up and to have at least three new start-ups created at the end of the project. In addition we want to reach about 100 young women in an event to create more awareness on the positive impact of business development and gender equality.
These goals will be reached through:
a) A 7 day training to 30 potential new women entrepreneurs.
b) Four months of mentoring to the 30 participants after the training.
c) Two different days of events for 100 people on the role of women in rural economy and gender issues.
The project measures are:
1. Scoping and exploration (Looking for participants, Recruiting and identification of 30 potential young women entrepreneurs). To find participants FGIA will use: Promotion on Facebook page, Leaflets, bags with logo WBAA & T-shirts (FGIA has gathered already 1000 e-mail addresses from people interested in its activities), Stakeholders that has worked with FGIA in past projects (University for Social Affairs & Agricultural University, Unit Administration of Manze, Durres).
2. Training (starting with the screening of needs of the participants, selection of experts, preparation of the training, the training itself, evaluation of the training).
Topics that will be covered in the training:
a) how to create a business plan
b) how to manage a financial plan
c) tolls for new entrepreneurs
d) leadership and teamwork
e) how to create a network.
3. Mentoring (Define mentors and assign them to a group of youth & women, mentoring sessions and tandem coaching from experienced entrepreneurs from different areas with similar potential, evaluation of the mentoring, monitoring of three best ideas in the development of their business and also support for further development in contact with the local institutions and different donators.)
4. Dissemination and exploitation (A two day event with experts of rural economy, gender equity & entrepreneurship & exchange visit, social media & PR activities.)

Time period: 2021
Project Manager : Vjoela Allkanjari