Leadership and Team Development Training (Leaders of Change)
Project coordinator: Milan Stojanovic
This project aims to provide leadership and team development skills including capacity and confidence building, stress and negative emotions management, know-how to get out of uncomfortable situations, build relationships and trust between team members, as well as between leader and team members. For effective team functioning, it is important that all team members understand their individual roles within the team and to know how to deal with their own cultural norms and expectations. The Western Balkan region lacks quality leaders, efficient team communication and communication in general. WBAA teams can, at times, be a small-scale illustration of this. This project will try to improve performance outcomes of WBAA teams by preparing 30 motivated WBAA members ready to give their active contribution in order to increase efficiency of teamwork with the final goal to establish better utilisation of WBAA resources. The training sessions are designed to include interactive lectures, workshops and teamwork. Participants will be divided into smaller groups in which they will work on various group tasks and stay until the end of the project. This 3-day training will be a full departure from the comfort zone where no one will be spared interactive participation. Bringing together 30 WBAA members from all over the region and from different WBAA teams will certainly provide a strong basis for further WBAA development and strengthening ties within our Network.

Time period: 2021
Project Manager : Milan Stojanovic